Brain (physiology) affects Mind (psychology)! Our brains are not the only part of the equation here. Our minds play a BIG role in how we process our experiences. When our brains are not doing its job well because maybe it needs an upgrade, then we may misread a social situation, or have difficulty with doing everyday task. That experience goes to the mind which may then respond in the form of thoughts such as “socializing is not for me” or “I can’t do this”.
This creates limiting beliefs that we take on to be true…that we believe are part of our personalities. We decide about things we are not good at or that we can’t do. We stop or limit ourselves. “I can’t go for that promotion”, “this is all I can do”, “I’ll never be able to…” This all comes from the mind, that might be just doing that because of what’s happening in the brain.
At Julia Harper Inc, we want you to live your life beyond limitations. We want to help you to SEE that maybe you’re creating a false limit based on a brain (physiological problem) that can be rewired or maybe a mind (psychological problem) that can ALSO be rewired. We train brains and minds to get them out of a rut and on to maximum function. Beyond limitations. Make sure both parts, your brain AND your mind, are working together at peak performance! Peak training means a peak life!
Have you been living in a brain that doesn’t seem to work so well for you? Loss of attention, difficulty getting concepts or holding onto them? Feelings of overwhelm, pressure, anxiety or frustration?
Finding yourself in a lot of conflicts? Or have you just decided to disconnect from people and situations? Are you extremely self-critical?
At work and home, are you missing details, over-thinking and obsessing over others? How about forgetting stuff, having difficulty organizing or breaking things down into steps so you can get stuff done? Feeling less than productive…can’t find your mo-joe?
You might be struggling socially, having a hard time getting nuances, understanding social context or interacting with others easily. Do you sometimes get lost in conversations? Feel confused or left out? You might have some self-doubt, wondering if you’re not as smart as the rest.
On the other hand, you might find yourself making rules about how people should behave, what they should do; become controlling and inflexible. That’s a recipe for anger, blame and hurt.
When all of this is happening, most people think it might be just them. Just their personality. For those wanting to do something about it, they may have tried talk therapy or medications but found little to no success, which leads to more frustration and self-blame.
What if I told you this could be happening because of your brain? YUP, it could be some miswiring OR mis-firing in the software of your brain. All of this could be a sign that your brain needs an upgrade!
See, the brain is a super computer. It works using millions of neurons, making billions of connections. And like all computers it’s made up of hardware and software. When there’s a hardware problem, like a computer it’s obvious, something is broken. If you crack your screen or damage a cable, its hardware, you see it, you know the problem.
Software problems are less obvious. Software allows the hardware and systems of the computer to communicate. It’s the same in the brain. It has hardware-the structures, and software- the communication system and when that’s faulty, its less obvious, but it absolutely affects how you function in life and experience the world!
Think of your brain like your cellular device, which basically is a computer in your hand. It has hardware and software. The hardware are the structures of the phone like the screen and the cables…the unit you buy in the store. The hardware of the brain is the physical structures of your brain. The software of your phone is the operating system and your apps. Brain software consists of neurons, chemistry and neuro-electricity that allow communication among the structures of the brain.
As we know, there are always upgrades available for the operating systems in our phones. What IOS are we on now…45??? And of course, there are ALWAYS changes and upgrades on the apps. We frequently make the upgrades because we want the best service on our phones and our systems to work efficiently. What if, like your phone, you could upgrade your brain and your mind!
That’s possible using the science of Neuroplasticity. Based on neuroplasticity, we know that we can continually ‘upgrade’ for better more efficient lives. Just as with your phone, the apps that serve you well, those you can keep. But the ones that slow down your device, those brain patterns that create poor choices and negative behaviors, those can be rewired using the principles of neuroplasticity.
Our mission, at Julia Harper Inc (JHI) is to spread the word about how software issues affect the brain, the mind and how we function throughout the lifespan AND to use brain and mind training to allow people to maximize their life’s potential so that they can be at their best in their careers, in their relationships and with themselves. With over 20 years of experience working with brains and minds of people around the world, we know how to upgrade the brain, upgrade the mind, so you can live the life you want.
A Processing Disorder (PD) is a condition in which the brain is inefficient at using and moving incoming information properly. Individuals affected with PD have a decreased ability to functions at optimal performance in life, resulting in lost productivity at work, school, home, and in their daily lives in general. Since 1 in 25 people are affected by PD, it is highly likely that you or someone you know is struggling unknowingly or silently with this disorder. Left untreated, PD that persists into adulthood can affect an individual's ability to succeed in marriage, work, parenting, and social activities.
Common signs of PD include difficulty following directions; learning and attention problems, overwhelm, frustration, anxiety, OCD, ADD/HD, poor self-esteem, social challenges, difficulty with communication, poor balance, clumsy, and uncoordinated; sensitivity to noises or sounds that seem unoffensive to others; and more.
PD is co-morbid with many other diagnoses such as LD, Dyslexia, ADD/HD, DD, ASD, OCD, ED, ODD, OCD, APD and a host of other “D’s”. Not everyone with PD has all of these D’s, but everyone with these D’s typically have PD, that’s why it’s the most pervasive. Millions of people are struggling in silence and don’t know about PD. We are here to spread the word about PD and how it affects people across the lifespan. MORE important, we are here to say that there is something that can be DONE!
SEE it, know what it is and how it is affecting your life. CHANGE, know that it’s about the brain and it can affect the mind and it’s not just you. DO, know that neuroplasticity is available to change your brain and your mind so that you can do more in your life.
PD can be addressed, at any age and stage of development, by changing and maximize the brain’s potential. Thanks to a little-known scientific fact called neuroplasticity, with specific stimulation, brains and minds can grow.
Healthier brains mean successful careers, productive workers, enhanced relationships, better parents, and thriving children. Anyone can become more productive and effective by rewiring their brain and retraining their minds!
Train your teenager's brain for greater learning and life success.
Neuro-plasticity is available throughout the lifespan. Train your brain & mind for optimal performance.
Drive innovation and empower your workforce with Dr. Harper's 3-stage consulting service.
Get ahead of the pack; learn how to address Processing Disorders in your clients and team members.
Learn about your brain and mind in our online platform.
Julia Harper, PhD, MS, OTR/L is CEO and founder of Julia Harper Inc and TheraPeeds Family Center ®. She is an occupational therapist, expert in neuroplasticity, master brain trainer, master clinician and master coach, holding certifications in a myriad of brain and mind training techniques. She has focused on creating brain-based therapeutic programs that tap into neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and change. Her world-renowned therapy center offers a WAY to HOPE which merges her two models: H.O.P.E. (Harper’s Optimal Protocols for Enrichment) , that focuses on re-wiring the brain of those with PD, physiological, communication, learning and behavioral deficits and W.A.Y. (What About You) ® , which retrains the mind to move beyond emotional and thought limitations. By using intensive methods, Dr. Harper’s treatments result in real change for real people who go on to live their lives beyond limitations.