A Processing Disorder (PD) is a condition in which the brain is inefficient at using and moving incoming information properly. Individuals affected with PD have a decreased ability to functions at optimal performance in life, resulting in lost productivity at work, school, home, and in their daily lives in general. Since 1 in 25 people are affected by PD, it is highly likely that you or someone you know is struggling unknowingly or silently with this disorder.  Left untreated, PD that persists into adulthood can affect an individual's ability to succeed in marriage, work, parenting, and social activities.

Common signs of PD include difficulty following directions; learning and attention problems, overwhelm, frustration, anxiety, OCD, ADD/HD, poor self-esteem, social challenges, difficulty with communication, poor balance, clumsy, and uncoordinated; sensitivity to noises or sounds that seem unoffensive to others; and more.

Brain Building & Mind Training


The brain can change throughout the lifespan. It’s NEVER too late. Learn how, here!

Intensive Adolescent Brain Training

Train your teenager's brain for greater learning and life success.

Intensive Adult Brain Training

Neuro-plasticity is available throughout the lifespan. Train your brain & mind for optimal performance.

BTS- Intense 1:1 Mind Training

Train your mind to develop skills to work FOR you.

Corporate Training

Neurodiversity Consulting

Drive innovation and empower your workforce with Dr. Harper's 3-stage consulting service.

Corporate & Group Training Classes

Get ahead of the pack; learn how to address Processing Disorders in your clients and team members.

Online Training

Learn about your brain and mind in our online platform.

our mission

Julia Harper, PhD, MS, OTR/L is CEO and founder of Julia Harper Inc and TheraPeeds Family Center ®. She is an occupational therapist, expert in neuroplasticity, master brain trainer, master clinician and master coach, holding certifications in a myriad of brain and mind training techniques. She has focused on creating brain-based therapeutic programs that tap into neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and change. Her world-renowned therapy center offers a WAY to HOPE which merges her two models: H.O.P.E. (Harper’s Optimal Protocols for Enrichment) , that focuses on re-wiring the brain of those with PD, physiological, communication, learning and behavioral deficits and W.A.Y. (What About You) ® , which retrains the mind to move beyond emotional and thought limitations. By using intensive methods, Dr. Harper’s treatments result in real change for real people who go on to live their lives beyond limitations.