Brain Training For Adults

Struggling with a challenge that you’ve had your entire life? Finding yourself losing skills? Working hard, but not smart? We offer interventions that rewire the brain of adults for increased focus, memory, organization, multi-tasking, ease and efficiency in your life.


Neuro-plasticity is available throughout the lifespan. Train your brain & mind for optimal performance and to live life beyond limitations!

You don’t outgrow processing disorders, you just try to live with them…many times unsuccessfully or at too high a price. The adults we treat are those who are tired of compensating for or living with their processing limitations.

How do they make this decision? They have felt the stress, anxiety, worry or pure exhaustion of working hard. They have tried the other solutions: psychotherapy, medication, avoidance, being work-a-holics, perfectionism and a slew of other strategies and have not gotten relief.

After going through our comprehensive evaluation that identifies the processing issues using objective neurophysiological data, they are grateful to learn that it’s NOT just in their head, it’s in the BRAIN!

The good news is that the brain is plastic or moldable at every age. Adults who show up willing to participate and change their lives go through this program and get exactly that…a life change.

We create highly specialized, individualized intervention, that focuses on:

  • Determining the specific interventions and protocols needed for that area of the brain
  • Providing those interventions in the correct order/sequence
  • Identifying appropriate outcomes of the intervention based on the area of brain activated
  • Measuring of the outcomes to identify increased function
Our programs involve a
trans-disciplinary team approach that involves a combination of
specifically designed interventions
including use of specialties such as:
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Speech Language Therapy
  • Audiology
  • Psychology & Coaching
  • Cognitive-Education Intervention
  • Sound Intervention
  • Cerebellum Activation Coaching

Another key component of activating neural plasticity is not only creating change in the wiring of the brain of the adult, but equally important, ensuring that the brain is supported by an environment that will facilitate use of the newly acquired skills.

The fact is the way we process information in the brain affects the mind. To make sure that we do a thorough rewiring process, for all of our adult clients, we not only use neuroscience to rewire the processes of the brain, but we also engage this science to rewire the thinking in the mind.

Our program uses our researched-based W.A.Y. ® Model, combined with other researched brain mind training strategies to retrain all aspects of the brain and mind for ultimate success.

Our adult-intensive programs usually require:

  • 7-hour Break Through Session (2 days)
  • Minimum 6 weeks of brain training intervention (determined at the evaluation, based on evaluation results and family needs)
  • 5 sessions per week (Monday- Friday)
  • Average sessions run from 3-6 hours per session (based on your adolescent’s needs)

A Recent Intensive Case:

Melanie a 43-year-old mother came to our center primarily for care for her child who was struggling in school, diagnosed as Dyslexic. She was anxious to get her child help because she had lived with this diagnosis and as an adult knew the cost of this emotionally, socially and professionally.

After seeing the gains her daughter had made after 2 intensives, moving from a special needs program, to F’s in a regular education program, to an honor roll student in all honors classes, she was not only excited for her daughter, but longed for this for herself. She wanted to experience this freedom and accomplishment and she no longer wanted to feel “secretly stupid”. Although she was a highly accomplished woman who had built a successful career, home and family, the lingering struggles of living with her processing disorder haunted and limited her throughout her life.

Melanie committed to her intensive, moving through all the steps and working hard for 3 weeks. At the end, she shocked even herself with her new skills. She ended her intensive empowered, focused, clear, remembering and managing details she could not before. The auditory processing disorder she walked in the door with was gone and the gaps in her cognitive abilities closed. Most important, she described the experience as having a ‘new lease on life’. She found the freedom to enjoy life and to experience a new level of skill and potential that she never imagined was possible for herself. Every area of her life has changed and she is beyond grateful and happy.